Earthquaker Devices Arpanoid Polyphonic Pitch Arpeggiator
1. Rate: Adjusts the speed of the sequence.
2. Up/Up-Down/Down Toggle: Switch to control the direction of the sequence. All the way left is up, the sequence will continually repeat going up. In the middle is up/down, the sequence will continually repeat going up then back down. All the way right is down, the signal will continually repeat going down.
3. Step: Selects how many notes there are in the sequence.
4. Wet: Level control for the effect signal. Unity is around noon.
5. Mode: 8 position selector switch to choose the octave and key:
Major: -1 octave to root.
Major: root to +1 octave.
Major: -1 octave through +1
Major: Random pattern
Minor: -1 octave to root.
Minor: root to +1 octave.
Minor: -1 octave through +1
Minor: Random pattern
6. Dry: Level control for the dry signal. Unity is around noon.